Are you ready to take your next right step in your spiritual journey?  Click one of the links above to get started on your next step of faith!

Baptism: Baptism is an opportunity for you to make your faith in Jesus public. It’s simply an outward display of an inward decision you’ve made to follow Jesus with your life, giving it over to Him. Baptism is a symbol of how Jesus washes us clean & we receive new life through Him (Romans 6:4, 2 Corinthians 5:17). Jesus took on the penalty of our sin by dying on the cross, so now through a relationship with Him, we are made right with God. Instead of our sins, when God sees us, He sees His son who died for our sins! When we are submerged in the water, that’s like a representation of our old life before Christ. When we come out of the water, that’s a representation of a new life with Jesus; we are washed clean and made new!

Child Dedication: God has given parents the most influence in their children's lives, and dedicating your child is a way to commit to modeling what it means to follow Jesus. This doesn’t mean that you’re going to be perfect— no one is—but it does mean that you’re going to give them opportunities to explore who Jesus is. So it’s really more about your role as parents than it is your children. Dedicating your child is a way to commit to teaching your kids what it means to follow Jesus in front of God and your faith community. It is our prayer that these children will one day grow up to accept and know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

BRC 101: Have you been attending Blue Ridge Church regularly and you are wondering why we do (or don’t do) some of the things we do? Are you looking for a way to partner with the church or just learn more about Blue Ridge? BRC 101 is your next right step! We offer this session about 2 times a year where we teach all about the style, structure, and strategy behind Blue Ridge Church.